Tuesday, February 5, 2008

100 things

Well here it is, the long awaited 100 things list so I can be cool like all of the other bloggies.

1.I was 9 weeks old when Martin Luther King Jr. was assasinated a few miles from my crib. Literally my crib.
2. I play six musical instuments.
3. I taught myself 4 of them.
4. If I could be anywhere it would be the panhandle of Florida-on the beach.
5. I've had surgery twice-once when I was less that 6 weeks old and once when I was five to have my baby teeth removed. I need another one- a herniated disc is giving me fits.
6. I was in the restaurant business for 23 years. I've been an owner of 2 restaurants.
7. I will not open another restaurant unless I have alot of money and someone else to run it.
8. I knew I would marry my wife after our first date and I told the guy we double dated with that I would.
9. I was 17 & she was 16.
10. We shook hands on our first date.
11. I do not hate. I do not have the time or the energy.
12. I do not know what to answer when someone asks what religion I am. I believe the Bible-what does that make me? edit(rhetorical)
13. I live in a city that is VERY Catholic.
14. I qualified to be on "Who wants to be a millionaire" but missed the phone call to go to New York.
15. I was talking to a guy playing pool at a music club in Memphis and a week later he drown in the Mississippi river. RIP JB.
16. My biggest fear is getting everthing I want and losing it.
17. I'm not keen on spiders or small spaces either.
18. Christmas is very hard on me.
19. I was married the day after Christmas.
20. My grandfather died 2 days after I was married.
21. We buried him on my birthday.
22. I will happily go into debt to send my girls to any SEC school-except Kentucky & maybe Bama.
23. I am hoping and praying (& soon to be applying) for scholarships.
24. I had 3 sets of teeth when I was born. Hence one of the surgeries.
25. I once shook Les Claypools(bass player for Primus)hand. I did not know it was him.
26. The only fan mail I have ever written was to Kristy McNichol circa 1979.edit ( I've never told anyone this and now some one finds my website because of her and rips me a new one-check comments)
27. As I have matured I find out that I actually like broccoli, cauliflower & salads-especially spinach.
28. I don't like fast food as much as I used to.
29. I am not sure I like starting every line of this list with "I".
30. I sell cars at the moment and I am terrible at it. It is fun though.
31. We do not say these words in my house; dumb, stupid, butt, idiot, suck and any & all cursewords.
32. I slip a banned word in now and then. Especially while watching the presidential race.
33. I knew what I would name my daughters before I met my wife.
34. We had trouble with some of the middle names.
35. I dislike live theater-alot.
36. I detest musical theater-more than alot.
37. I would rather play in the band than be in the audience.
38. But, I will go to any concert, any time. especially if it is Guided by Voices, R.E.M. or Larry Carlton.
39. I want to fly planes one day. Hopefully by 50.
40. For a summer, when I had a restaurant and a catering business, I carried a pistol everywhere I went.
41. I bought it from a homeless rastaman.
42. My favorite car was a '72 cutlass supreme convertible.
43. I helped my grandfather with stone work at Rhodes College.
44. I have recorded over 500 songs that only a handfull of people have ever heard.
45. Music plays in my head constantly.
46. It is usually something good or that stinkin umberella-ella-ella song.
47. I am 5 foot 8 inches of goofiness.
48. I would be height/weight proportionate if I were 6 foot 2.
49. I have lived in Ohio for 12 years and I still dislike the buckeyes.
50. I have vivid dreams every night.
51. I rarely have nightmares or headaches.

I will post the other 49 or so another night. So keep on checking back and you can see how all this turns out. Oh the anticipation.


Restored Blogger said...

You ask the question "I believe the Bible, what does that make me?" Ignorant, uneducated, naive, unable to think for yourself, someone who believes whatever he wants to believe in spite of the facts and truth, someone obsessed with himself and grandeur, someone narcisstic enough in association with God, to post things about himself no one has the time to read.

I just happened to catch that one line about the Bible. I got a google alert on your blog for a name you used on it today. You asked a question so I thought I'd answer.

sf said...

Wow.. That's kinda harsh. I just jumped over to c.m.'s blog and it seems someone needs a hug ( & doesn't know it). I am sure she is a very open minded person---as long as you have no opposing veiws.
C.M. Jesus loves you!! I on the other hand....
Hearts & Flowers

Sassy Molassy said...

Way to score one for the atheists C.M., you moron. We're not all like that, I promise!

So post-Memphis Ohio, huh? What's that like?