I am, at this moment, immersing myself in music. If you didn't already know I am a big fan of music. I like to go see bands from the biggest rock stars & bands to the smallest solo acoustic guy/gal busking on a corner. I don't buy much music just because I don't want to spend the money. I also do not illegally download. It is not a morals thing, but most of the music I wanna buy is by someone who could really use the money and is probably not on limewire or whatever the kids are using these days to pilfer someones art. I also love to play music. I have probably mentioned this before but it is my golf. I'll think nothing of dropping a couple of hundred on a guitar but I cannot see dropping over $20 to go hit a little ball around a huge lawn. I like golf, I just don't love it. I also might have mentioned I have a band. we are called Ohio Briars. For those of you not from Ohio, you should know that a briar is, basically, white trash. It is derived from the fact that at the beginning of the auto manufacturing boom in Detroit, many people from Kentucky started moving north towards that area. A large portion of them broke down in southwest Ohio and some couldn't get hired or did not like the harsh winters on the lake. They were uneducated, uncouth and lived in the sticks-or briars. Hence Ohio Briars. It is kinda the same as any other ethnic slur. They can call themselves briars but you cannot.
So we are called the Ohio Briars and we do not sound like anything I have heard-well...we have some songs that sound like George Jones, some that sound like Sonic Youth. Some of em sound like Def Leppard outtakes and some that sound like audio test patterns over an am radio whilst passing under a bridge. I dig it because I can write anything and usually it gets recorded. We are a self contained band. I play Guitar mostly, some bass, lots of synthesiser, organ and drum machine, I sing some leads and lots of backup vocals.

So right now I am going through our last release called "Punch The Red". It is 101 songs that we are too lazy to finish, mix , master or mess with anymore. If you like Velvet Underground, Sonic Youth, the Grifters, Guided by Voices, White Stripes, Neil Young, The Cars, Beck, Beastie Boys Rock albums, Pat Green, Rolling Stones, Byrds, The Kinks, R.E.M., or Pavement. Give us a listen. If you don't like the song you are listening to at the time...wait, it will turn on a dime and be a whole different type of song on the next track. The website is http://www.ohiobriars.com/ .There is almost no cursing in it, most of the words I can't understand anyway & I didn't write. I apologise to anyone who is offended, in advance. So if you get a chance, listen, evaluate and give me a comment back, good , bad or otherwise. We are working on mastering a new one called "Bliss Press". By mastering I mean getting all of the levels generally the same for each song. We are also working with a new rhythm section and recording another more alt/country CD. So far it sounds great. Thanks for your comments in advance. nighty night.