* rant on* Well I am gonna ramble. Ramble on & on & on. I will undoubtedly show my ignorance here, but I am not in shock that we are in this financial mess. I mean what is the stock market but a giant casino? Everyone knows the house always wins. So the media coverage that the news outlets are giving this crisis is making the little guys nervous and they are pulling out their money and putting it under their mattresses and in mason jars in their back yard. I say it is time to stop the madness. I am sure the $700b dollars will not help. We have now privatized gains and socialized losses. It is a win/win for any bigwig that has the mucho dollars to go nuts and start buying up the little guys. I have very little in the stock market and I really don't care about this mess. I feel we have been living off of the motto " the business of America is business" for too long. We need to get back to manufacturing and creating jobs-in the private sector- that doesn't charge " what the market will bear".
Up here in my little bubble, the GM plant will close Dec 23rd. This is not good news for the people that support the economy I live in. What you are not gonna hear on the news is that these workers made an insane amount of money for unskilled labor due to labor unions. I am talking in the neighborhood of 50-75k for standing on a line and WATCHING parts go by. A great gig if you can get it. I have heard from people that work there that on Sundays you were making time and a half, some around $47 an hour and they have a contest to see who could go the slowest. So...that's why a stinking Chevy SUV cost $30,000 for a piece of crap. The unions complain that all the jobs are going to other countries and they are not paying them well. IF you are in another country and you are used to making $20 dollars a day and GM comes in and wants to pay you $8 an hour-more money than anyone you know has ever made-you are gonna work you butt off and try your hardest not to get fired. There are waiting lists in Mexico for these jobs and the slackers get fired. No guaranteed jobs. You gotta show up and work hard. OF course, GM doesn't lower their prices, they try to cover their losses from the plants in the U.S. that are still losing money.
I am just saying, I don't have all of the answers, I might not have any. I just know if I was in charge and I ran a company into near bankruptcy, I would not get several million dollars when I got fired. I also know if I had a company and the workers wanted to make 50k to sleep on the job, sabotage the line so they could all take a break to play cards and have contests to go slow so they would have to be there for more overtime, I would move that company to Sri Lanka or Canada or Mexico to escape the piss poor workforce I had been forced to have. * Rant off* Yeah, probably Mexico for the carnitas, margaritas and senoritas"

S-minimum wage-F