Wow! It has been busy here at the house of unmade beds. We had a July 4
th cookout with fireworks supplied by the city. The cookout went well I thought and I can officially call it a BBQ. We had 2 pork shoulders that I started at 11am and they slow cooked over hickory wood and lump charcoal for more than 5 1/2 hours. They were the hit of the mean BBQ. I also had some burgers, the biggest
hotdogs I have ever seen, veggie K-bobs (thanks Dallas) and 3 smoked chickens. I worked on the yard for about 2 weeks straight and it did not look half bad for someone
who doesn't know anything about
yardwork. The flowers we bought last month
decided to bloom and look their best on that Friday. It rained off & on
until the first guests started showing up around 4:30. I had a great time and would like to thank everyone who was there for coming out. I will do it again real soon. I have already started planning. Next time it will be later and will be adults only. More to come about that in august.
Not much going on here except looking for a new job. Lack of car sales are killing me and I cannot take on a second job right now because it would force me to slack on my first job. I love selling cars-especially to people who
really fall in love with said car. I love the cars. Suzuki makes a really nice vehicle. I am not just saying that to promote Suzuki. I deal with all kinds of trade ins and other than a Saab, Lexus, Honda or Mercedes I do not think you can get a better car. For the money you would spend on any of those--you can get a better
equipped Suzuki at a great discount. I am just saying that when my lease is up on the monster truck ( Awesome Kong II) I will be buying a Suzuki Grand
SX4 or the new Suzuki truck the-Equator- Coming out this fall. People complain that they don't get 45 miles MPG & that they cost around $15,000, but go look at cars on the lot after you do some
Internet shopping and see what is really out there. You will be surprised. There are no, I mean none, zero, zilch,
nada Honda Fits in the area and there is a sign up list for those tiny little wind up toys. The
Smartcar is on a 9 month wait up here and the are selling for more than sticker. I almost ran over one yesterday because I did not see it. I sit up higher than most every vehicle on the road and it was hiding behind a GEO Metro. The chick that was driving it was also doing 45 in a 35 and swiveling her head to see who was looking at her.
Maybe I am just bitter & broke and have no one to lash out at, but it seems to me the buying public are a little brainwashed as to what is
really going on. Anyone remember the
dotcom bubble. Same thing is happening with fuel speculation. Anyone remember the real estate bubble-same thing. Somehow all of this money making is going to draw the common man into investing in the oil/fuel market and then it will crash. By then the guys who got wealthy off of this will be out and the small companies and the little guy will be left holding the bag.
Wow, this
started off as a small post but became a rant real quick. So to recap---BBQ good, Car sales bad, panic in the streets, very bad. I am still looking for a job that pays higher than minimum wage and I can be rented for parties, bar
mitzvas and weddings----for catering. But I will dress up like a clown for an extra $50.
p.s. My computer seems to have been struck by lightning. It looks like one of those old console T.V.s from the early 70's. I switched monitors so that is not it & I did a system restore back to 2 days before the storm. anyone with any info would help. I have a similar system I can organ farm if needed. Any Ideas?--Uncle Don? Uncle Jeff? David?
Thanks Y'all