Well, Indian summer did not last very long. It was 27 degrees last night and the first night we have had the heat on this season. We haven't had the air conditioning on since mid August, so It's been nice and cozy around here. The highs this week are in the mid 50's/lower 60's and the low's are in the 20's and 30's. Nippy indeed. I am enjoying this though. It helps with my sinuses and allergies I have picked up in my adulthood. I have been on Claratin D every spring and fall for the last few years and this time I got the Wal-Mart brand of Claratin called Equate. It has just the opposite effect on me. After about 3 hours I can fall asleep standing up if I wanted to. Usually when I take sinus meds I get all wired and drop about 10 pounds instantly, but this stuff makes me wanna fall asleep and Does not help with my headaches. I do not normally get headaches so this is making me a little more than cranky. I feel like Keith Richards looks.

I also enjoy this time of year because it is the last of the days where we get more sunshine than cloud cover. I've been told that I have
seasonal affective disorder a.k.a seasonal depression. The U.S. National Library of Medicine notes "
Some people experience a serious mood change with the change of the seasons. They may sleep too much(check), have little energy(check), crave sweet and /or starchy foods(check, check), and feel generally depressed (and check). To combat this you need light therapy (no thanks), medication (BIG no), ionized-air reception (sounds expensive) and carefully timed supplementation of the harmone melatonin (huh?)". I think the money and the time invested in this type of therapy could be better invested in sending me to
watercolor for a month.
I just need a break from Ohio right now. I need to at least get down south and see some old friends and family, eat some good food and listen to some great live music. If I could get to the gulf, that would just be a bonus. We did not take a vacation this year and we usually go to the Florida Gulf Coast. This year we bought a car instead. Even though I have a slight fear of the water, I love being in, near or on the ocean. Specifically, the Gulf near Destin. I do not like the lake or ocean water where I cannot see my toes. I do not like pools that are too big or too small or the slightest bit dirty/cloudy. I like the waters on the gulf.
I also thought that I was claustrophobic, but I have lately realised that I am neither claustrophobic or hydrophobic but am afraid of being suffocated. I cannot find a name for that phobia. I'll call it
getoffmephobia. That could explain some problems in my relationships. I just need a disc cleanup, defrag and error check for my brain right now. I might need a whole new operating system for my head. I already had my antivirus download.

I got me a flu shot. If you had told me 30 years ago that I would volunteer to drive myself to the doctor and have dead flu virus injected in me on purpose, I would have kicked you in the shin....& cried a little. Hey I would have been 10 or so. I didn't even feel the injection but I didn't get the lollipop or the Dora stickers I was hoping for. So for the last couple of days I have felt a little more odd than usual.I know you are supposed to feel some aches and pain, a little fever maybe and some lethargy, but my brain likes to go over the top. I love me some conspiracy theories. We all should know by now that flu shots have little minute tracking devices in them so the government can find all of the survivors of any epidemic that pops up in any given flu season. You see, I live near an Air Force base that is supposed to house the aliens from Roswell. It is also home to the "gaybomb" that was developed in the 90's to protect us from the pink menace

or something like that. They do that so us healthy people can defend our "gay bombs" and aliens in case of emergency.
All of this thinking, dead flu bugs and paranoia are making me sleepy & I need to call my HMO to see if they will cover my vacation...er...treatment at a private condo...er... I mean medical facility in Florida. Or at hanger 18 w/ the aliens.
Sweet Dreams