Friday, September 5, 2008

Out with the old...

Well we finally broke down and got rid of the family truckster. I have a minivan no more. For now anyways. We leased a Dodge Caravan (in homage to a band I was in ) and the lease came up last week. We were only a couple of thousand miles over the limit. We drive around alot. It was a minivan with DVD and seating for my family of 5 and 2 extra seats for us to haul various friends, dogs or to separate sisters who are bugging each other. We went from toddler car seats, to booster seats to just regular seat belts in the Caravan. We've been to Memphis, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida & all points in between. I don't think they will ever really get the sand outta that thing. It's time had come when we realised that we would have to put a couple of hundred dollars in tires, possibly a new transmission, a new rack for the rack and pinion steering and yet another automatic door opener housing. Thanks, but no thanks. The warranty was out and there are a bazillion Dodge Caravans out there on Dodge lots. I tried to bargain with them on the buyout price and they would not budge. When I turned it in, the Dodge salesman was just shaking his head. He already had a lot full of used 05 caravans that had been turned in and 16 more on the back lot he had no room for. I pity the fool. She served us well and she will be missed.
We now have a new Suzuki Grand Vitara. We have not named her yet but she will be loved like any other member of the family. We got as good of a deal as any other gut that sells Suzuki's for a living might get. We also opted in for the bumper to bumper 100,000 mile warranty with no deductible. We are set for 7years and it will most likely be the first car my oldest drives to high school.
I am gonna trick it out with tinted windows, a new stereo, custom rims ( I'm thinking 20's) and a big ole T sticker on the back wheel cover ( for Tennessee ). The best part about this is because we got such a great deal, Suzuki cut me a check back to cover going over the miles and the turn in fee. It cost me less than $100 to drive off the lot and to turn in my gently used heap. To beat all the payments are less and it gets better gas mileage. Win/Win. I know my family misses the space, the DVD player and the acceptance that a minivan affords, but the will make due, for now, until I have to turn in my truck ( Awesome Kong II ) in April and then I am sure we will get minivan pangs again.
Until then I am proud to say my southern family has an SUV and A big ole truck riding around the suburbs of Ohio with a big orange T on the back of them. I might just get a Bochephus sticker for the little lady.

Vandy who?

Vanderbilt....the Commodores....just beat a ranked team.... From the S.E.C. They looked pretty good doing it too. I've never been a huge Vandy fan, but I like the underdog and they the underdog.

Vanderbilt : 24
South Carolina : 17

Lionel Ritchie has to be so proud.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Atomic Buffalo Turds

Yes you got it right-Atomic Buffalo Turds were made and consumed this weekend. See, here's the deal. I fancy myself a bit of a high end cook/BBQ guy. I did some catering this weekend and to add to the deliciousness of slow smoked pork shoulder, I added a tray of ATOMIC BUFFALO TURDS. I just love typing that out. haven't heard of these yet. Well settle back and grab some pork rinds and a big R.C. cola and I'll learn you sumthin. Atomic Buffalo Turds are made as follows: Take some fresh jalepenos and cut in half-longways goober. Then you take yourself some softened cream cheese (hold on cowboy-it gets better) mix the cream cheese with as much cajun seasoning you can stand and slap some of that inside the hollowed out, DE-SEEDED jalepeno. Now you take a little smokie (you know-those little weiners) and slap one of those suckers in there & wrap that puppy up with some bacon and toothpick it. Put them in a pan and cook them over indirect heat for about 25-35 minutes or until bacon is done. Get ready for artery clogging heaven & to defend youselves physically from everyone except the veggie/vegan peeps at your party (why are they there anyway?)
Anyhow, the catering went well. I slow smoked 25 pounds of pork and took about 18 pounds over to an annual labor day cookout as requested and it didn't last 20 minutes. There were only 19 adults there. I took 7 pounds to my fantasy football draft. 14 guys and a whole brisket, sandwiches, chips, dips, french loaf and snacks. It lasted there about 10 minutes. So how long did the ATOMIC BUFFALO TURDS last at both places? I timed it- less than 7 minutes for 40! 40 freaking cheese and weinie stuffed jalepenos. If I could figure out how to deep fry those bad boys, I would hit every state fair east of the Mississippi & make my fortune.
Well I hope this post has been informative and entertaining. I also encourage you to hire me to make them for you along with BBQ, chicken and anything grilled. I can go high end too. You name it and I have probably made it for a large group of people. So get out there and spread the ATOMIC BUFFALO TURD goodness and don't blame me- I didn't name them, I just perfected them.
Smoke 'em slow & low