Most of the time I am on this thing whining about how I miss Memphis. You are not gonna get that today. I was just looking at the noa weather radar for Mphs and it is H.O.T. hot.It was 91 degrees at 10am. Where I am it is about 75. It is due to get up to around 98 with high humidity. The funny thing is, I do kinda miss it. I recall it being so hot that all you wanted to do was stay in the air conditioning and drink lots of beverages. No one relly expected you to do much of anything else.
In my youth, I can vividly remember my Mom and Dad saying "get in or out one". Which meant to go outside and stay there or stay inside and help clean. So outside it was. I would go to the woods where it was 20 degrees cooler and build a treehouse, make new trails or try to catch critters. When I would get thirsty and go in the house I would hear " in or out one or the other" and explain that I was thirsty---well that is what the garden hose was for. We were out all day in the summer and I don't recall putting on sunscreen or ever getting burned. I can't recall dying in the noontime sun and we didn't stop until the sun went down around 9:30, Sometimes later.
I am sure I wouldn't last 15 minutes doing what I did 30 years ago in the summer. I would be burned, dehydrated, hungry and passed out in the middle of the blacktop wondering why the icecream man has to drive so fast through my neighborhood.
So now I am going to go to work and sit in an airconditioned office here in the midwest, get up once or twice to go outside and help the customers and chuckle to myself when they complain about the heat and humidity.
If they only knew.
Stay cool,