Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Go Tigers Go!

Memphis Tigers-56
Tulsa Golden Hurricanes-41
It was worth the dish network fee to see the Tigers in SW Ohio.
Coming soon...S's birthday sleepover and 12 year blog. The new music from the band is coming along very well ( from reports ) and the outtakes, b-sides and dittys on the box set is done and ready for duplication. We just need a duplicator. If anyone wants to pony up $500 to hear the 96 of the best of the worst of what we do for fun-shoot me an e-mail. Music is my golf. I don't buy expensive clubs, I buy cheap guitars, basses and synths. I don't spend all day sat. & sun. in a grassy field, I spend whatever night we can all get together in basements, porches and studios. We are rock stars in our own mind-as well we should be. We have 500 classics that should be on every man, woman and child's top 10 lists. But enough of that,I have to go find a way to keep six 12 year old girls entertained for a sleepover soon. There will be blood, sweat and tears. Hey---that's a good name for a band.

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