What happened to me? I was at work, reading an article about a 5 year old boy who was suspended from school because he had a mohawk haircut. Now this wasn't your 2005 fauxhawk but the real deal, sides shaved and one long stripe down the middle, just the way it should be. Well, the way it should be on a teenager with a poor attitude in a punk rock band and a face full of zits. The mother of this 5 year old was outraged even though she had been sent 3 letters warning that the haircut was a distraction and it did not follow the dress code. She of course is thinking about suing and says " He likes the haircut now, so there is nothing I can do." Really?...There is "nothing" you can do? I think there is plenty you can do. You can shave his head because he has very little say so in what haircut he gets and I am pretty sure he did not know what a mohawk was before you forced it upon him. You can stop trying to be a friend to you CHILD and remind him that you are the parent and you are in charge. So far I think I have been pretty good at bluffing my way around parenting. My girls (5,7 & 12) have no "visible" tattoos or piercings, they have not been photographed getting out of a limo sans underwear and they certainly have not had a mohawk.When they do ask questions about fashion and stupid choices that some kids make, we talk about it and I LISTEN. They know they have choices and I can only bring them up to try and make the right ones. To get kicked out of kindergarden for a mohawk is not a good choice.
Back to my original question-What happened to me? I used to be all about fight the power and rebellion and making the most out of idiotic situations. Did I ...(gulp) grow up. Am I now a right wing conservative becasue I can't stand the two choices for democratic candidate and I actually like everyone else better that Hil and BA-rock? Am I gonna start calling in to Rush Limbaugh's show and agreeing with him and kissing his big, pimpled behind? Who knows... I just might if someone can talk Mr. right wing radio into shaving his hair into a nice, big, pink mohawk.
Now I have to go enforce some bedtime rules I set for my children. I really don't want to-I would rather watch some basketball and eat the hotwings that are waiting for me, but I don't want to come home tomorrow to find my 5 year old girl haging around some little boy that just got suspended.
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