Sunday, March 2, 2008

I miss someone

Just a short update. Our dog of 14 1/2 years is gone. She had been having problems and was still sound of mind but could not move or go outside to do her business. As a matter of fact she had not done her #1 business in over 32 hours. She was suffering. It was the humane thing to do but We still feel like hammered poop. As soon as I can come to grips with this, I will post more and give you a run down of the best dog I have ever known.
The wife is in tears, the kids are a little shocked and I am, as always, avoiding the inevitable breakdown. I filled my night with grocery shopping and cleaning. I will sort through the pics and might possibly let K do a guest post. K might not be the hardest hit but she lets her emotions out. I tend to keep them in and then explode in a symphony of regret, despair, sorrow and pain. Right now I wanna listen to some R.L. Burnside ( it was her favorite) and read some blogs that will make me less sad. I will try to post pictures with the next post. She's chasing rabbits.

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