Tuesday, April 8, 2008

it hurts

I was really hoping for a Memphis win. Not just because I was born and raised there but because if any city needed it more it is Memphis. I had a party and invited people from my neighborhood to watch and only one guy showed up. I am not devastated but why can't something positive happen in Memphis? As of this moment you will hear that Memphis was the underdog, got schooled and was never really a contender, placing my beloved city in the class of losers that people talk about as once in a lifetime. I know we(Memphis) have some good freshmen coming in, but I was there in "85 and I feel that we need some championship face time. If I were in M-town tomorrow I would be at the airport to great the Tigers and show them how much I appreciate them for their effort. I love me some Tiger ball-we just did not execute for 40 minutes. Sad Sad Sad...Now let's get it on with some AAA Cardinals baseball and the NFL draft. Ohhhh to be on Beale st. tonight and commiserate with my peeps, and the bums and the lowlifes. I kinda miss the dirt.Thank you coach CAL and Good Luck Joey. We will miss you!!!---SF

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