Tuesday, April 1, 2008

oooohhhh the PANCHO'S

My mother and stepdad were here this weekend and they brought my beloved Pancho's cheese dip. It is so good and at the same time sooooo bad for you. We ate burgers at an old ice cream shop in a small town north of Cincinnati and cruised the little shops. We ate at the local hibachi table and had a grand time with pictures and laughter and full bellies. We watched basket ball, movies and---believe it or not--- NASCAR. Great race BTW. We played with her dog, the infamous ROCKET. Rocket is a border collie and is a hoot. He herded the girls at one point and I thought he would never slow down. IT WAS A GREAT WEEKEND!!! The U of M Tigers are in the final four with the dreaded UCLA & I got to see my momma. A great weekend indeed. I just need to figure a way to interveiniously partake of the gooey goodnes that is Pancho's cheese dip. Next time I will request some taco sauce to go with it.Thanks for the weekend mom. I love you!

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