Monday, April 21, 2008

We need "Earthquake Glue"

In honor of the recent earthquakes-which I've slept through- I have been listening to Guided by Voices-Earthquake Glue. I like to theme my music sometimes, not like listening to Jimmy Buffet when I go to the beach theme, but more on whatever is going on in my world theme. At the start of the Iraq thing-alot of early U2-War & Boy, Lunar eclipse R.E.M.-Feeling Gravity's Pull, when my dog died, Blue Mountain-Dog Days and after my mother was here, The right rev. Al Green-greatest hits. I dunno, music, for me, is more of a feeling than the lyrics. That may be why I don't bow down at the alter of Bob Dylan. Don't get me wrong, Bobby's great but his music does nothing for me. Same for Billy Bragg. I like my angry lyrics with a sense of melody. I'll take Joe Jackson and Elvis Costello over those guys anyday. As for the beach music, well, about 18 years ago I went down to the gulf, on a whim, listening to Steely Dan all the way. My roommate & I crashed at a guys house he barely knew and we saw the best Steely Dan 3 piece cover band in the world, back when Destin was a tiny fishing village with a few overpriced condos. Ahhh...Maybe if I could think more about what needs to be done around here and less about the beach, I could afford to move there. I think a long weekend is in order. See you at the beach-SF

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