Wednesday, August 27, 2008

That facebook thingy

I have missed my friends and family for a long time now and I would call various people when I first got here and complain and they would listen and comment on how bad it was there. The last person I talked to before moving to Ohio was Yameah and he said good luck, Godspeed and do what you gotta do. Well I did. Now I have found facebook and it is like stepping back to the past. I feel like it is a class reunion with people you actually liked. One friend married a girl I knew at another school 2 years before. I would have never put them together. I found my best friend from kindergarten, dudes from high school and friends from old jobs. Now if I could get them all together for a BBq, I would be set. Heck, I even found my Great aunt in Miami and she still talks to me. I like it alot better than myspace because it is more mature and less porno. So if'n you wanna check out the master of the Casa de loco, go to facebook and look up lackoftaste and see who we both know.
I keeps it real.

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