Friday, December 19, 2008

Questions from the actor's studio

I've been meaning to post this for a long time. I have been thinking about it in general, but not about IT. So this week, I took some time to ponder, between my new job and Holiday preperations and the new puppy and I decided I would write it out. It's lame, everyone else did it a long time ago but I feel it is my duty (ha ha, I said duty) to post it. Plus, I got nothin'.
So's----here goes.

1. What is your favorite word?
Concierge- it basically means gopher but has such a ring to it.

2. What is your least favorite word?
Genre- I cannot stand reading it out loud. It makes me cringe and it also offends me as a question about the music I make, listen to or love.

3. What turns you on creativly, spiritually or emotionally?
Well, it has to be the ocean, on all of the above. Especially near Destin, South Walton, Panama City Beach. I have always been drawn to it.

4.What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
Someone with no empathy, who cannot balance the other side or at least see that there is another opinion with some validity. And usually they are jackasses.

5. What sound or noise do you love?
My girls playing at the beach in the late afternoon.

6. What sound or noise do you hate?
Dishes clanking-it sends me into a epileptic type fit & I don't even notice it.

7. What is your favorite curse word?
I was working with a guy at a reataurant who I knew was pretty straight laced, I was working on my personal issues at that time and I slammed my finger in a drain and SCREAMED poopy, doo-doo, caca! He almost peed on himself and I had to crack up because I'd usually say something a little bit worse. So, for the record-POOPY, DOO-DOO, CACA. Said as fast as you can.

8. What other profession, other than your own, would you like to attempt?
Pilot-I love to fly. Highly paid session bassist might not be so bad.

9. What profession would you not like to do?
High School principal. At all. Maybe in the 50's when you could beat kids, but not now.

10. If Heaven exists, (and it does), what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
Well mainly " Well done my good and faithful servant"- but any of these will be great
a) You da man!
b) Not yet dude!
c) Elvis has been asking for ya!
d) This way to the all you can eat hot wing, BBQ, pizza & stoganhoff food bar.
e) Hey...You wanna do over?
f) Ehhh...Notre Dame's OK, but I prefer the VOLS.
g) You're right. I do mess with the popular music every ten years just to screw with the parents. Next up-PUNK ROCK POLKA-hide your accordians.
h) So, Sonny, The reason the streets are paved out of gold is not for the beauty, durability or the cleanliness, it is to emphasise the fact that money has no power here just as stones on the road have no value on Earth.(dude, I totally got that from the jump)
& my favorite
i) Who's next to make a platypus?

Now make you own questions to ponder.
See you in the funny papers,

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